Friday, March 30, 2007


On rainy days I'd like nothing better than to curl up under the covers and go back to sleep. But like most working people I have a sense of duty that keeps me going on these mornings. There is a bright spot though, it's FRIDAY!

Maybe it'll be rainy again tomorrow and I'll be able to sleep in...

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The "Right" to Vote

This past week's election left a sour taste in my mouth with regards to the number of registered voters who couldn't be bothered with voting. While I realize that this is a right and not at all mandatory, I have to wonder how long it will remain a "Right" if there is so much apathy toward doing your civic duty.

In the case of disabled or elderly people it is often easier to request absentee ballots rather than navigate their polling place terrain. But how many of them just never return their absentee ballots? I would imagine there are quite a few. So I ask you, "How hard can it be to make your mark, sign your name, and mail the ballot back?" And didn't our tax dollars pay to have the absentee ballot sent to you in the first place. That is not only wasteful, it is close to criminal.

But then again, I'm sure most of you never fought any wars to protect freedoms and ensure that people have the "Right" to vote!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Play that "Funky" music...

Do you have "the Funk"? Whether you do or do not, thousands of Kansas Citians are waking up to a new era of Funk - Mark Funkhouser to be exact.

At only 1,010 vote separation it was a close race and one of the most civilized contests we have seen in years. While there were a few finger-pointing moments, most of the acromony we have come to expect in political races just wasn't there. And for that I must commend the candidates. But from all accounts, both men are decent and upstanding people with Kansas City's best interest at heart . So this begins the dawning of a new day and I don't know about you, but, I'm ready!

On a lighter note - What was King Carl doing sleeping while Kawika Mitchell slipped away? And does he really expect that Napoleon Harris will be better? And will he just get on with the releasing of Trent Green or will he drag that out too?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Good Morning Kansas City

Today is election day in KC and I hope everyone goes to their polling place and VOTES! In the 6th District we are especially interested in who is elected Mayor due to our impending Red Bridge Road project. While I (and most other Kansas Citians) will commend Alvin Brooks for his community activisim with the Ad Hoc group, his participation and support for the needs and concerns of the 6th District has been dismal. One of my concerns in electing a 75-year old man, is this will only result in a city led by a spend-happy City Manager and other close associates, rather than a "peoples" Mayor.

Maybe Mark Funkhouser can do better... I sure hope so.

As for the city council, I believe a new day is about to bloom.