Thursday, March 29, 2007

The "Right" to Vote

This past week's election left a sour taste in my mouth with regards to the number of registered voters who couldn't be bothered with voting. While I realize that this is a right and not at all mandatory, I have to wonder how long it will remain a "Right" if there is so much apathy toward doing your civic duty.

In the case of disabled or elderly people it is often easier to request absentee ballots rather than navigate their polling place terrain. But how many of them just never return their absentee ballots? I would imagine there are quite a few. So I ask you, "How hard can it be to make your mark, sign your name, and mail the ballot back?" And didn't our tax dollars pay to have the absentee ballot sent to you in the first place. That is not only wasteful, it is close to criminal.

But then again, I'm sure most of you never fought any wars to protect freedoms and ensure that people have the "Right" to vote!

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