Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Racism is wrong... no matter what color you are

Racism is wrong... no matter what color you are. And I have met as many black racists as I have white racists.

Unfortunately for Don Imus he happens to be white and moderately famous so the brew-ha-ha is larger than if Joe Local said it. I remember when Jessie Jackson called New York "Himey town" and didn't apologize for days. But oh well he is just Jessie Jackson and entitled to a few goofs...

And what about Chris Rock and other non-white comedians who spew a litany of racist and sexist remarks? Shouldn't they be held to the same standard? I've grown up in the age of "what up n - - - - r" and if that is term is offensive for me to use, it is offensive for anyone of any color to use.

If it is wrong, it is wrong.

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